Sønderdalen's Sweet Heartbreaker - "Sweety".
Born: 01 . 10 . 2007
Sex : Bitch
Dkk. Reg. Nr.: DK20510/2007
Sweety is the leader, police dog and darling of the house. She is a real queen, and she knows what she wants.
In the spring of 2010 Sweety got her first litter of puppies. It was a very exciting experience, for us and for Sweety.
Before her litter in the fall of 2010 she was shown in Open Class Bitch, and is several times placed in best bitch. In 2011 she was also shown in Bremen, Rostock and Dortmund - every place she was nicely premiered.
She is "Cover girl" of the Danish kennel clubs magazine "Hunden", when the westie was portrayed. Click here to see.
She has also been on the front cover of the Danish Terrier Club magazine.